Coronel Suarez, Argentina

The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away


The creation of the institution arises from the manifest need to provide a new alternative to those with disabilities, young people or adults who have completed their stage in the Special Education Modality and who, due to their disability, cannot access protected work.

The Day Center (Centro de Dia) seeks primarily to provide support to people who, because of the severe or profound level of their disability, are not able to benefit from education and / or rehabilitation programs, and in all cases try to stimulate interests and develop skills in the beneficiaries to achieve in each case the highest level of development possible. The disability of the participants is mental, motor, sensory and visceral, but in all cases the level of the same is severe or deep and the majority suffers with multiple disabilities.

The "Centro de Dia" is defined as a structure that provides a favorable instance for social integration, constituting the ideal framework to guarantee the support, protection and integral development of the attendees. It is the answer to embrace the process of inclusion, self-reliance and socialization; is the place where the participants love each other, fight, learn, walk, cook, eat, clean, listen to music, watch television, share parties and diverse activities, participate in the community and return to their homes.

The institution functions as a Day Center from Monday to Friday in a double shift (morning and afternoon) and at the same time works as a Home ("Hogar") throughout the year. To respond to both services, we have a work team composed of an administrative director, a medical director, a psychologist, a physical education teacher, a music therapy teacher, two group counselors, two guidance assistants, one concierge, a person in charge, one nurse per shift , cleaning staff and cook.

We understand that life is not only about the information and knowledge we learn, but also the enjoyment, participation, experience and permanent learning and that everyone has the right to achieve a better quality of life, achieving the identity of each one, autonomy, and necessary resources to develop as an integral person.

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