Coach Steven, a former policeman, and a group of parents decided to take action for their children and other young people who live in a very dangerous area called Paso Canoas.  Near the border between Costa Rica and Panama, Paso Canoas faces high rates of crime, drug trafficking, violence, homicides, prostitution and poverty, which lead to significant social problems.  This is the reason why Proyecto Social Deportivo Alianza (“PSDA”) was born. It serves as a place where kids from different genders, races and ages get together to not only play soccer but to be part of a “team” that provides their lives with joy, security, a healthy environment and camaraderie. 

The goal behind SOCCER FOR SMILES is to help PSDA fulfill their dream of supporting children and adolescents in Paso Canoas and to help them develop as young leaders.  The money raised will be used to purchase all the necessary supplies for these vulnerable children and to continue providing opportunities for them to smile, laugh and dream. 

This is the list of items we’ll be purchasing:

– Balls
– Soccer shoes
– Athletic shoes
– Athletic clothes
– Cones, discs, fences
– School bags
– School supplies
– Food


LIFT Sports Foundation is a GA nonprofit corporation operating through a fiscal sponsorship with Players Philanthropy Fund (Federal Tax ID: 27-6601178), a Maryland charitable trust with federal tax-exempt status as a public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to LIFT Sports Foundation are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.




After losing his mom, Steven needed a space to release his sadness and all the emotions that he carried from a difficult childhood. That place was a soccer field.  For many kids, the soccer field is a place to have fun and develop social and leadership skills, but for coach Steven and for approximately 70 children in Costa Rica, the soccer field is their safe place.


Coach Steven, a former policeman, and a group of parents decided to take action for their children and other young people who live in a very dangerous area called Paso Canoas.  Near the border between Costa Rica and Panama, Paso Canoas faces high rates of crime, drug trafficking, violence, homicides, prostitution and poverty, which lead to significant social problems.  This is the reason why Proyecto Social Deportivo Alianza (“PSDA”) was born. It serves as a place where kids from different genders, races and ages get together to not only play soccer but to be part of a “team” that provides their lives with joy, security, a healthy environment and camaraderie. 


PSDA’s mission is to help these young people smile and they use the sport of soccer for that purpose. Coach Steven dreams about adding other sports such as basketball, handball, swimming, beach soccer, athletics, etc. However, these dreams are getting further and further away as PSDA is struggling to find funds to buy soccer equipment, shoes for the kids, clothes, and to provide them with food and lodging since most of the children live in poverty. Several kids travel between 40 to 60 kilometres from indigenous communities located North and South of Paso Canoas (Conte Burica and Abrojo Montezuma) just to feel the joy of playing a soccer game with their teams. 


 Even through all the challenges, Coach Steven and volunteer coaches/parents Lucho and David manage to give the children love, affection and encouragement with the hope of changing tears to smiles. The children’s lives are not easy but they are all committed players; 17 year old Marelin plays forward in the youth women soccer league and is also battling leukemia. Marelin will train at home whenever she cannot travel the 60 kilometres to get to the field.   


The goal behind SOCCER FOR SMILES is to help PSDA fulfill their dream of supporting children and adolescents in Paso Canoas and to help them develop as young leaders.  The money raised will be used to purchase all the necessary supplies for these vulnerable children and to continue providing opportunities for them to smile, laugh and dream. 


This is the list of items we’ll be purchasing:


– Balls
– Soccer shoes
– Athletic shoes
– Athletic clothes
– Cones, discs, fences
– School bags
– School supplies
– Food


Después de perder a su madre, Steven necesitaba un espacio para liberar su tristeza y todas las emociones que llevaba de una infancia difícil. Ese lugar era un campo de fútbol. Para muchos niños, el campo de fútbol es un lugar para divertirse y desarrollar habilidades sociales y de liderazgo, pero para el entrenador Steven y para aproximadamente 70 niños en Costa Rica, el campo de fútbol es su lugar seguro.


El entrenador Steven, un ex policía, y un grupo de padres decidieron tomar medidas para sus hijos y otros jóvenes que viven en un área muy peligrosa llamada Paso Canoas. Cerca de la frontera entre Costa Rica y Panamá, Paso Canoas enfrenta altas tasas de delincuencia, tráfico de drogas, violencia, homicidios, prostitución y pobreza, lo que genera importantes problemas sociales. Esta es la razón por la cual nació el Proyecto Social Deportivo Alianza (“PSDA”). Sirve como un lugar donde los niños de diferentes géneros, razas y edades se unen no solo para jugar fútbol sino para ser parte de un “equipo” que les brinda a sus vidas alegría, seguridad, un ambiente saludable y camaradería.


La misión de PSDA es ayudar a estos jóvenes a sonreír y usar el deporte del fútbol para ese propósito. El entrenador Steven sueña con agregar otros deportes como baloncesto, balonmano, natación, fútbol playa, atletismo, etc. Sin embargo, estos sueños se están alejando cada vez más a medida que PSDA lucha por encontrar fondos para comprar equipos de fútbol, ​​zapatos para los niños, ropa y proporcionarles comida y alojamiento, ya que la mayoría de los niños viven en la pobreza. Varios niños viajan entre 40 y 60 kilómetros desde las comunidades indígenas ubicadas al norte y al sur de Paso Canoas (Conte Burica y Abrojo Montezuma) solo para sentir la alegría de jugar un partido de fútbol con sus equipos.


Incluso a través de todos los desafíos, el entrenador Steven y los entrenadores / padres voluntarios Lucho y David logran darles a los niños amor, afecto y aliento con la esperanza de convertir las lágrimas en sonrisas. La vida de los niños no es fácil, pero todos son jugadores comprometidos; Marelin, de 17 años, juega en la liga juvenil de fútbol femenino y también lucha contra la leucemia. Marelin entrenará en casa cuando no pueda recorrer los 60 kilómetros para llegar al campo.


El objetivo de SOCCER FOR SMILES es ayudar a PSDA a cumplir su sueño de apoyar a los niños y adolescentes en Paso Canoas y ayudarlos a desarrollarse como líderes jóvenes. El dinero recaudado se usará para comprar todos los suministros necesarios para estos niños vulnerables y para continuar brindándoles oportunidades para sonreír, reír y soñar.


Esta es la lista de artículos que compraremos:


– Pelotas
– Botines de futbol
– Zapatos atléticos
– Ropa deportiva
– Conos, discos, vallas
– Mochilas escolares
– Suministros escolares
– Comida

LIFT Sports Foundation is a GA nonprofit corporation operating through a fiscal sponsorship with Players Philanthropy Fund (Federal Tax ID: 27-6601178), a Maryland charitable trust with federal tax-exempt status as a public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to LIFT Sports Foundation are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.


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